Friday, December 11, 2009

Nobel peace prize - A Practical Joke

I read a news item today about how the Nobel Prize committee (who were, I guess, trying to be funny by declaring peace prize for Obama) played a practical joke by actually giving the noble Peace prize to Obama. The committee decided to give the peace prize to Obama in February, when he had just taken the charge as US president and had barely done any 'Peace Work'. The Peace prize committee just assumed that Obama would do some peace work in future so why not give him an award right now for his good intentions, maybe this would put a moral responsibility on him to live up to his Nobel peace prize winner reputation.

But their plan to ensure peace by means of giving a peace prize went to pieces yesterday when while accepting the prize Obama quoted that "war has a role in peace". Obama made it pretty clear that winning a peace prize will not deter him from any of his war plans; whether those wars would ever lead to world peace is a whole different issue. I wish if I could be there in Oslo to see the expressions on faces of committee members.

The amazing fact is that Obama invoked his hero Mahatma Gandhi as his role model for peace work. Gandhi was nominated for Nobel peace prize five times but never got it. It is surprising that Nobel prize committee didn't find the man who donated all of his life for actual peace work and died for it, worthy of a prize. Maybe he was above a Nobel prize.

Looking at events I have resolved that I will meditate everyday for 15 minutes about research in Physics. This will help convey my intentions to do something great to add to the knowledge of Physics. And maybe I will win the Nobel prize for Physics.


Pradeepa(pradeep) said...

Nice one... Well written...
I think meditating on Physics has become more for it. You may end up with some real work.
You need to just "speak" about research is Physics and that will be enough...

Vishwas Kalyankar said...

Good writeup. I wish you luck for your aspiring as a writer. But I feel there are more dimensions to it than visible to eye. Among all the Governmental Heads on the mother earth he appears to be more logical politician having a desire to do some thing and he has the energy being youngest one . So may be this booster will help him to achieve which will help in reducing the chaos existing in the present world.