Last week second semester of first year M.Tech got over.
But why am I writing a post about it? because this semester wasn't like any other semesters.
It started normally. I had taken 6 courses totally. First 3 months were as usual, assignments and labs. But as the last month i.e. April began, all the profs started giving mini projects one by one. By the end of April first week we had 6 mini projects staring at us like raging bulls. We tried finishing as much work possible between the exams, but by the end of April none of the project was over. So the deadlines got extended to May first week and the work ultimately came down to night outs.
One by one we finished all the mini projects. The night before last submission, the labs looked like as if preparations for some festival are going on. Everyone working in various labs trying to finish the job on time. For some, the night continued till next night. But after finishing everything the feeling of satisfaction was amazing. Now there is a little respite for coming 2 months.